الأربعاء، 18 ديسمبر 2013

Riad righteous no migration after the conquest

Riad righteous no migration after the conquest

3 - And Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her , said the Prophet peace be upon him : « Do not drain after the conquest , but Jihad and intention , and if Astnfrtm Fanfroa » Agreed .
It means : No migration from Mecca because it has become a land of Islam .

In this modern denied the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him immigration after the conquest , he said: ( ( do not drain ) ) and this negation is not the cousins ​​, means that immigration does not invalidate conquest , but he ( (This denial is not the cousins ​​, means that immigration does not invalidate conquest , but he ( ( ceaseless immigration until interrupted repentance , nor interrupted repentance even out the sun from the west ) ) ( 14) _ also came to talk about the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him - but to be negative here deny migration from Mecca as he said Author - God's mercy - ; because of Mecca after the conquest of Islam became the country , and will not come back after that country's Hamlet, therefore, denied the Prophet peace be upon him peace be upon him to be a migration after the conquest .
And Mecca was under the control of the infidels , and they were expelled the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , migrated peace be upon him permission of his Lord to the city and after eight years he returned the Prophet peace be upon him to Mecca opening victorious Mansora - God and prayers be upon him - .
Mecca became a country being Kafr Prophet peace be upon him become a country and the country of Islam faith , not including immigration after that .
In this guide to Mecca will not return the country Kafr , but keep Islam to the country that the time , or he wants to be God .
Then he said, peace be upon him : ( (but Jihad and intent ) ) ; any matter after this Jihad ; come out of any of the people of Mecca Mecca to jihad .
And ( ( intent ) ) any good intention for jihad for the sake of God , and that it intends to human Abjahadeh , to be the word of God is supreme .
Then he said, peace be upon him ( ( If Astnfrtm Fanfroa ) ) means : If Astnfrckm Crown commanded to fight in the cause of God , Fanfroa and Juba , and then jihad is an obligation , if mobilized people for jihad ; should they have to alienate , and not lag one only excuse , to say God: ) O ye who believe that if you said you go forth in the cause of God ye are bowed down to the ground Erdeetm life world of the afterlife , what pleasures of life in the Hereafter but a few ) (unless you emigrate Aazpkm painful punishment and replaces people other than you do not Tdharoh something ) ( repentance: from verse 38/39 ) , and this is a placement where the jihad is an obligation .
The second position : If the town attended the enemy , any enemy came even arrived in the country and limit the country , has become an individual duty of jihad , and Ji on each one to fight , even on women and the elderly who are able , in this case , because this fight defense .
The difference between fighting and fighting to defend the application.
Must in this case that alienate all people to defend their country.
Third position : If you attended the class, and met with two rows ; row infidels to Muslims ; became Jihad then the imposition of an eye, and may not be the one to go out as Allah says : ) O ye who believe if you meet those who disbelieve crawl there Tolohm backs ) (and Julhm that day was orchestrated However Trva to fight or biased to the class B has angrily abode of God and hell ) ( the Anfal : 15.16 ) .
The Prophet peace be upon him Administrating day crawl of the seven sins . (14)
The fourth position : If that is necessary rights; weapons that have only known individual , and people need to this man ; for the use of this new weapon , for example ; it needed to struggling though not Istnverh Imam because he has need of it .
In this citizen of the four , the jihad is an obligation .
And only that it would be imposing enough.
The scholars said : The Muslims must have them fight in public once, struggling enemies of God ; to be the word of God is supreme , not in order to defend the homeland from where he homeland , because the defense of the country from where is the homeland is the believer and the infidel , even unbelievers are defending their homelands , but to defend the Muslim religion of God, Vidaf from home ; do not because their homeland , for example , but because it is an Islamic country ; Vidaf him the protection of Islam, which is a solution in this country

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